Dress Code

Today I visited with all staff and students concerning the Intermediate dress code. My hope is that everyone is aware of our current dress code and that we do not have to address any violations. Any student violating dress code will have to leave the learning environment in order to address the issue. Since our focus is on learning, we want them in class. The dress code can be viewed in its entirety on our district and campus website, but here are a few common violations we want to avoid:

  • No tank tops, muscle shirts, racer-back tops/dresses, spaghetti strap tops/dresses, or strapless tops/dresses
  • Shorts, skirts, and dresses will not be shorter than the fingertips in a normal standing position – Bike shorts may be worn underneath in order to meet dress code as long as the outside garment in question is at a reasonable length
  • Girls may wear leggings as long as the shirt worn extends to at least fingertip length or below
  • Torn or ripped clothing is prohibited
  • Boys’ hair will not extend below the eyebrows, below the earlobes or below the top of a tee shirt
  • Unnatural color or color variation in hair is prohibited
  • Avoid geometric or unusual patterns shaved or cut in the hair
  • Spiked hair, Mohawks, and Faux hawks are prohibited
  • Male students cannot wear earrings or ear studs

The dress code is a guideline to acceptable attire and cannot be considered completely exclusive. Therefore, when other forms of dress are deemed inappropriate for reasons not listed, the administration will address the violation. In matters of opinion, the judgement of the administration will prevail.

Several students still have variations of color in their hair from the summer months. Please make sure that by Monday, August 28th, all color has been removed from the student’s hair.

Thank you in advance for your help in ensuring that our focus is on learning,

Jennifer Rock, Principal


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