School is in full-swing now and we’ve had a fabulous start! If I have not had the opportunity to personally tell you “hello,” “welcome back,” “good morning,” or “have a great day,” then please allow me to do so at this time.
It is my privilege to serve as the Intermediate principal and work with such amazing staff and students. Let me assure you that our faculty/staff are committed to providing a this-century education and believe in ALL kids, ALL the time. This is commitment we do not take lightly. We strive to build learning experiences that equip students not only for the challenges of the classroom, but for the service of our community and the betterment our world.
I’m beginning my fourth year at White Oak and my twenty-fourth year in education. The excitement of a brand new year is a feeling that never grows old! We are excited about the learning opportunities that lay ahead and hope you enjoy and take the journey with us as we watch your children learn and grow.